I guess this is the kind of topic my blog is destined to contain. lol.
I love tivo. I had it for three glorious years. It was a directv tivo, but still a real tivo. Then directv lost their freaking mind and started making their own dvr. I heard about how crappy it was, from more then one person. I finally managed to talk my mom into getting a tivo, but not before the change, and I was at her house when they installed the dvr. I struggled through setting it up for her and tried my best to teach her how to use the vile thing, while trying to figure it out for myself. The whole time I was thinking, thank the lord I'm going home to my tivo.
A few months later, we're watching a movie and we hear a metal-y schreechy noise. Then silence. Then the tivo equivelant to the blue screen of death. I knew it was bad. I knew what would happen if i called directv, so i waited until the next day to make the call and hear the lady say, we can send you a new dvr! Sigh. Two days later I got the stupid non-tivo delivered to my door. I've had high blood pressure ever since. It's so maddening! It doesn't record sometimes, it records reruns, sometimes you go to watch and it's just an hour of black nothing. Sometimes it just freezes and needs to be unplugged and reset. And it's not very user friendly at all.
Yesterday I get a message on the screen saying something like, Good news! We've updated your software! You're going to love it! Well, I didn't think I would, and I was right. Last night we were playing cards with Lana and Alan, and Max is trying to be a fifth player that we didn't need. I know, Spongebob is the answer! Since his brothers let him watch MonsterQuest, and he won't go into a different room by himself, I had to use the main tv. That's when I find out they've taken away my ability to record two programs, or to record one and watch another. WTH? This is so not cool. It said, You're recording SNL, no spongebob for you!(to be said in the soup nazi accent.) I had to stop recording the very first SNL from 1975, hosted by George Carlin which i'd been anxious all week to see, to be able to change the channel. (At least it was a new-to-us episode of Spongebob, hilarious! Almost made me forget what I'd just learned about my tv-watching future.)
I've since collected a bunch of Spongebob episodes for emergencies.
If I wasn't playing the part of a responsible adult, and closing on a HOUSE! TOMORROW! (WOOHOOO!) I'd go buy a tivo and be done with it. Santa, if you're reading my blog, that's on the top of my list. I've looked on craigs list where we got our fridge and a deep freeze (without incident), but it seems to me the people who sell kitchen appliances are a different crowd then the ones selling electronics. I'll take my chances with the non-tivo box.
That's my story, that's my headache of the day. Thanks for listening.
(I know i watch too much tv. Leave me alone.)