It's hard to keep up with a daily thing like Project 365 when you're a busy mom. Even harder when you're a procrastinator. Harder still when you're sick for the entire winter! I am so done with being sick! I wish I could wake up and say I feel great! Instead I get up trying to decide how miserable I'll be that day, and what meds I can take to try to help. First I had a plain old cold. That lingered longer then colds usually do for me. Then it morphed more into a head cold, then the sinus pain. I've never had sinus problems that bad. I went to the dr, sinus infection, gave me meds. At the time my ears hurt, but no more then just a symptom of the sinus thing. Halfway through the antibiotics, my ears got so much worse, not better. Had to go back to the dr, this time for some different meds, and a steroid shot in the butt (Man, that sucker hurt! Still does actually!)
Add to that some major girly problems, more meds...I've been a barrel of fun!
I'm finally on my way to becoming well, I think. I feel pretty good during the day, but at night my headache comes around, and my ears start to ache. Ugh, my poor family, they must just be wishing I'd get better or find somewhere else to live.
I have been taking pictures, of course, but I do have some blanks. My 365 might take me a while longer then an actual year, but I'm ok with that.
Wherever there's a day I missed, just picture these germy guys in it's place: