Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day What?

It's hard to keep up with a daily thing like Project 365 when you're a busy mom. Even harder when you're a procrastinator. Harder still when you're sick for the entire winter! I am so done with being sick! I wish I could wake up and say I feel great! Instead I get up trying to decide how miserable I'll be that day, and what meds I can take to try to help. First I had a plain old cold. That lingered longer then colds usually do for me. Then it morphed more into a head cold, then the sinus pain. I've never had sinus problems that bad. I went to the dr, sinus infection, gave me meds. At the time my ears hurt, but no more then just a symptom of the sinus thing. Halfway through the antibiotics, my ears got so much worse, not better. Had to go back to the dr, this time for some different meds, and a steroid shot in the butt (Man, that sucker hurt! Still does actually!)

Add to that some major girly problems, more meds...I've been a barrel of fun!

I'm finally on my way to becoming well, I think. I feel pretty good during the day, but at night my headache comes around, and my ears start to ache. Ugh, my poor family, they must just be wishing I'd get better or find somewhere else to live.

I have been taking pictures, of course, but I do have some blanks. My 365 might take me a while longer then an actual year, but I'm ok with that.

Wherever there's a day I missed, just picture these germy guys in it's place:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 30

My new washer! And I only captured Tanner watching it, but at one point all of the kids and the dog were sitting here watching. lol. Gus still likes to watch it.

Day 29

Heather sent me this picture of my great-niece Kaiden, playing in the snow. She's such a doll, I miss her!

Day 28

Before going to bed I looked for Gus to put in his kennel. I found him snoozing illegally on Cameron's bed.

Day 27

Here are the flowers I gave Ivan. I had so much fun taking pictures of them.

Day 26, Valentine's Day

The flowers I got from Ivan. Also got a box of chocolates.

And here's the card I got from him, I love it!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Poor Blog

I haven't forgotten you. I've just been busy, mostly being sick. Various forms of sick. Taking care of people who are sick. When will it end???

I'm keeping a list for my 365 blogs, I just haven't gotten myself, my memory card, and a computer in the same room long enough. I'll catch up with that soon.

For now, I have a cute story.

Earlier I was watching A.Idol, and pretty comfy on the couch. I asked Tanner, will you bring me the bread and butter pickles, and a fork please? A few minutes go by, and he comes walking in the room...juggling the big tub of butter, a loaf of bread, and the Gallon jar of pickles! He didn't question what I was going to do with this stuff. I started laughing, and then Ivan did, and he's just standing there holding all this stuff, wondering why. I haven't laughed like that in a long time. It was just so cute. When I showed him the jar that said bread-and-butter pickles, he was embarressed. He said, You're going to put this on your blog aren't you. I said no no no. Unless you'll pick all that stuff back up and let me take a picture. He wouldn't. But it'll be in my mind forever. Funny kid.