Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Beautiful Wedding

I had a great time at my niece Kara's wedding. I'm so thankful I could be there. It was beautiful, it was emotional, a day filled with love. Here are some of my favorite pictures.

3 Beautiful Nieces

1st,2nd,5th and 6th are my nieces. Next to the groom is my nephew. Shorty is Max. ;)

Cousin Alicia, Kara and little sister Krista

Kara and big brother Kurtis

The shoes she wore...

Corey and Jake

Couple's 1st Dance, to "Amazed"

Father Daughter Dance, to "I Loved Her First"

My niece Heather, and great-niece Kaiden

Retrieving the Garter!

Max did a great job as ringbearer, he took his job very seriously. He looked so handsome in his tux.

He kept walking around scratching, saying itchyitchyitchyitchyitchy! lol.

During the first dance, when the wedding party paired back up to dance, Max came up to me and said, "Look, everybody has their girl." I said, "Well, where's your girl?" His jaw dropped, his eyes lit up, as he realized hey, I do have a girl! lol. He went running over to the flower girl that he walked with, Skyler. From across the lawn I could see him ask her to dance, her saying no, him not taking no for an answer, and her finally agreeing. lol. She danced the one dance with him, and when he saw people dancing to the next song, he made her dance again. Two was her limit though, so he spent the rest of the time asking girl after girl to dance with him. lol

My little photography apprentice.

I had so much fun shooting this wedding for her. I was afraid I'd be too timid to really get in there, but I found that I wasn't. The desire to do the job right gave me the courage I needed. I'm pretty satisfied with how I did. Go me! :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jet Setting

I get to post plans for a super duper exciting weekend! I'm flying to Phoenix in the morning. Can you say mini-vacation! :) My niece is getting married on Saturday, and I get to go! Max is going with me, he's her ring bearer. This will be his 1st plane ride. He goes back and forth between excited, and trying to find excuses to get out of it: "Mom, they won't let kids onto the plane!" He's going to love it, if I can get him on there. I'm excited to share this experience with him. Oh, and he's going to look so handsome in his tux.

And now to the other news, I'm going to be taking her wedding photos! I'm thrilled, but I also feel a little overwhelmed, that's alot of pressure. But I'm honored to be asked, and I feel confident.

This is the happy couple, Kara and Jake, I took this last month at a family reunion.

And another bonus, I get to see my brand new niece again. She was born a day after my birthday, Sept. 5. I got to see her last month, and now I'll get to see her again. She's such a sweetie, looks exactly like her mom, and she looks alot like my kids when they were born. This is Kaiden Bailey.

Have a great weekend everyone! I'll wave as I fly over!

Monday, November 10, 2008


He's in bed right now, but he's going to love this tomorrow!

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I love to photograph Max. He's such a ham. (I have two of them, Cam is the hammiest of all..slideshow coming soon!) Here are some I love.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I usually have pretty crazy dreams, all on my own. Imagine taking those dreams, and adding in an episode of spongebob. lol. Since Ivans gone hunting, the boys have moved into our bed, two of them anyway. When I went to sleep last night, Cam wanted to finish the show he was watching. He fell asleep, and the tv was on all night. I don't remember many details, but I know I was in a restaurant, and Spongebob and Mr.Crabs were there, they were arguing about money. lol. Incorporating the goings-on of Spongebob into my dream. Very bizarre!

Also I tend to add random celebrities to my dreams. Makes things interesting I guess. Also last night, I dreamed that Ivan and I went to the boys' school for something. Walking into the classroom, I saw someone crouched down behind a chair, and told Ivan, look Faith Hill's here! She was there doing some observations because she was going to become a teacher, but she didn't want anyone to see her there. lol. Then before we left, she came up to us and said hi, and gave me her bracelet. lol.

Sometimes I wonder why my brain works the way it does. I couldn't make stuff like this up while awake.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Tanner

I Love My Tanner. Hes Getting To Be Such A Big Boy Now. Handsome, Responsible, Smart, Funny. Hes Also My Buddy. His New Favorite Thing Is Hanging Out In His Room. (And He's Not Even An Actual Teenager Yet!) But Hes Not Trying To Avoid His Parents (brothers Maybe) He Just Likes His New Room. I Know This Because His Second Favorite Thing Is Hanging Out With Me, In His Room. He Says, Come In Here, And Takes Me By The Shoulders And Steers Me To His Room, Not Taking No For An Answer. He Knows I Don't Like How Cold He Keeps His Room, (The Kid Is Crazy!) So He'll Get His Blanket Ready And Puts It Over My Shoulders. He Just Likes To Spend Time With Me. How Awesome And Weird Is That To Say!? He Likes To Cruise Radio Stations, (He Likes Country And I Like It Too, But I Also Like To Dig On Country, It's Our Thing.) This Is When He Tells Me Stories About School,Friends, Cameron, Whatevers On His Mind. We Play What If, We Make Plans. Just Talk. Its Awesome And I Try To Savor Every Single Moment. Thats Where I Am Right Now, This Saturday Morning. (Im On My Phones Internet, I Hope I Can Get This Posted From Here.) Its 63 Degrees In This Room. (His Clock Tells The Temp.) Ive Got Two Blankets Tucked All The Way Around Me, And A Pillow On My Feet, He Takes Good Care Of Me. :-) I Hope This Lasts Forever. When He Stops Inviting Me Into His Room Im Going To Be Crushed.

Finding My Way Back

When I started this blog, I had every intention to keep up with it. I did, for the first three entries. But if you will notice the last post, that's my very good reason for the blog abandonment. First of course is the moving and decorating and perpetual organization. Second, I went out of town 3 weeks after closing, and was gone for over a month. And third, it's hard to blog without an internet connection. All of the companies that service my rural area were unable to hook me up. :( Had I known this before buying the house..... just kidding. So since the other options are too costly for us right now, I'm left with using Ivan's work laptop. Only problem with that... he's not home much, and when he is he's doing paperwork on it, or it's late and I'm sleeping. His aircard usually operates at dial-up speed anyway. Sigh.

This weekend Ivan's away on a hunting trip. He's supposed to have his computer with him at all times, but he stayed up late Thursday night to work ahead so that he could leave it here for me. :) (also he's on the hunting trip with his boss, so you know..) I set a goal for myself to catch up here, which in my (crazy)head means going back to where I left off and posting about my summer travels, and posting pictures. I'm not asking too much, right? We'll see.

I want to say that this blog is exciting to me, because I'm looking forward to reconnecting with all the friends that I see are also blogging. I've been able to read most of your blogs, I've just not been able to comment like I'd like to.I'm going to try harder to participate. (says me who still has boxes in the garage, and three kids, and holidays looming in the near future. hehe.)