I've been sooo extremely lucky, having three boys who are so healthy and strong and perfect. I don't usually say this outloud, as to not jinx it, but we've never even had a broken bone, in the 27 collective years these boys have lived. How is that possible? (I've broken 2 toes and a foot in that time. Better me then them, I say.) I'm thankful for my blessings.
That's why Max having a minor surgery on Monday is such a foreign situation for me. Poor Max. He has what's called a hydrocele. Quoted from a website that will say it better then I could: "During normal development, the testicles descend down a tube from the abdomen into the scrotum. Hydroceles result when this tube fails to close. Fluid drains from the abdomen through the open tube. The fluid builds up in the scrotum, where it becomes trapped. This causes the scrotum to become swollen." It usually closes up soon after birth, but the Dr said if it hasn't by now, it's not going to and it will always cause problems if we don't get it corrected. What I first noticed was the swelling. It didn't hurt him at all, but it wasn't normal so I took him in. Our family Dr said it's probably a hydrocele, but sent us to a urologist. (Wow, a urologists office is the anti-gyn; male receptionist, manly decor, very strange. I felt out of place for sure.) Of course tumor and Lance Armstrong were going through my head, but luckily it was only fluid in there. The urologist shined a little flashlight through his scrotum to determine that, most inexpensive ultrasound ever! And, Max thought it was pretty cool when the lights were all off and his 'stuff' became a laser show. lol. He's been a trooper through this, considering how many times he's had to show his unmentionables to strangers. I keep telling him how brave and grown up he is. We've known since November that he needed surgery, but we didn't really discuss it with him until Friday, when we went for the pre-op appt. We met with the dr again, who went over with us how it'll go, and told Max he had to stay in bed and be really still for a few days. All Max heard of that was NO TRAMPOLINE! BUT, PLAYSTATION ALL DAY LONG! lol. Then we had to go to the hospital for pre-op stuff, and had a fantastic nurse. She talked to him on his level, she gave him teddy grahams, she was a hit! She told him how cool it would be to pee in a cup...he didn't find it so cool, only odd. Also, the dr had ordered a blood draw, and she really didn't want to do that to him, so she hunted down the anesthesiologist to get permission to skip that, so she wouldn't have to stick him. She was great with him, and really made a difference in his feelings toward surgery.
(He was feeling good about it, until we came home and Cam's friend Jacob told him how they were going to take all his blood out, then put it back in. And told him his uncle had to swallow a camera that went all through his body. I told him that wasn't true, that wouldn't happen to him, and managed to calm him down again. Kids!!)
During surgery, the dr will make a little incision above all his 'stuff', kind of where his waistband would sit on his belly. They will drain the fluid, then close off the opening, then close it all up with dissolvable stitches. Will take about an hour, and we go home the same day.
I know it's very minor, and the risks are small. But that's my baby! The nurse told me I have the best team of drs, and a great hospital. Yes, but that's my baby! My biggest fear is the sedation. People don't wake up!! !! I know he'll be fine, but a mother worries, and I'm good at that. Luckily Ivan's taking the day off and going with us, more for me then for Max I think. Wish us luck. And wish me luck keeping Max down, and not zooming down the stairs head first on his belly, which is his usual mode.
We went to Mcds and to the park after the appointments.