Thursday, January 15, 2009

Drug Altered Max

Max is usually pretty silly in his normal state, alot like his brother, Cameron the Entertainer. So imagine him on a big ole dose of tylenol with codeine. I felt bad laughing at him, but it was too funny. As soon as it hit him, he sprung to life. He was laying in my lap and reaches up, pats my cheek and says, III luuuuuuuuuuvvveeee yoooooouuuuu, mooooooom! lol. I told Ivan I couldn't find the thermometer. He started making up words that rhyme with thermometer. Flerbobeter, Merflopteter. Cracking himself up. Mumbling a million miles a minute. And he's apparently a physical person when he's under the influence. Like the girl on friends that would punch Joey. Does it in a nice way, but still, ouch! He told Ivan, I'm gonna beat you up, daddy. lol. "Calm down, Killer," he told him. And then there's the reaching for things in the air, that really aren't there. He only did that a couple of times. Anymore then that and I'd start to worry. lol.

He's been sore, more sore every day actually, but I assume it's part of the healing process. He walks kind of bent over, he looks like a little old man shuffling around. He's been living the life, though, King Max. He's played video games so much that he voluntarily turns them off because he gets tired of playing. !! He mostly stays in my room, but moves downstairs to that tv a couple times a day, for a change of scenery I guess. The first two days, he wanted to eat upstairs in my room. He doesn't use a sippy cup anymore, but I pulled them out for the occasion because I can get him to drink more that way. Plus he's on my bed!

On Tuesday I started a blog, detailing the whole day Monday. I got half way through, and it was far too emotional and sappy to subject others to. So I'm going the photojournalist route. I didn't take many pictures. I only had my camera phone that day. But here's what I got.

This was Monday morning, before I woke him up. So sweet, and so not deserving the torture he was about to endure.

Here he is when we got to the hospital. They had his room set up with a tiger hospital gown, a stuffed dinosaur and a book about sick dinosaurs. This was before the IV (which he didn't like, but he did VERY well.) They let him be in charge of the cartoon remote.

This is after the IV. I think he was realizing all the scary things he'd imagined were starting to happen to him. But he was being very brave, and everyone noticed and told him so. The anesthesiologist was especially impressed with him; he even stopped by afterward to commend him.

This was after the surgery. He was sleepy, confused, angry, sad, and in pain. When they wheeled him in he looked so tiny and helpless and it broke my heart.

This was that night, after he was feeling fiiiiinnnee. Showing off his spongebob bandaid.

Thanks again for everyone's good thoughts and prayers. :)


The Morris Family said...

Glad to hear everything went well!

VanillaBean said...

I got teary eyed reading this post Traci. I'm so glad to hear it all went well but I know it must have been emotionally hard on all of you. Tell Max we think he was very brave!